Quality Counts Programs

Supporting Quality Early Care and Education in Yuba, Sutter, and Colusa Counties

Why Choose a Keys to Quality Program?


Keys to Quality eligible programs serve a variety of settings, including private center-based programs, Family Child Care, Early Head Start/Head Start, State-funded Preschool and Child Care Programs, First 5 Early Learning Programs, and Title 1 Preschool Programs. In addition, Keys to Quality offers services to other settings serving children 0-5 and their families.  Keys to Quality Programs are engaged in addressing evidence-based quality indicators targeted through self-assessment, coaching, training, and independent, reliable observation.


These quality indicators predict better outcomes for children as they prepare for school academically, socially, and emotionally. These outcomes persist, leading to healthy and productive individuals through childhood and well in to the adult years.

Keys to Quality is a regional Quality Improvement (QI) System (QRIS). It is a comprehensive system of supporting quality for providers of early care and education from birth through age 5. Providers participate in this voluntary program, focusing on child development and school readiness, teachers and teaching, and program and environment. Programs complete a process of self-study with external professional support to assist in developing targeted site quality improvement plans.

Keys to Quality coordinates services with the following programs:  CDE and CDSS Quality Projects, Region 3 Hub & ASPIRE Lead (El Dorado County Office of Education), Sutter County Children & Families Commission, First 5 Yuba, First 5 Colusa, Children’s Home Society of California, Yuba County Office of Education, Colusa County Office of Education, and Sutter County Superintendent of Schools

Funded by the California Department of Education, Early Education Division, First 5 California (through El Dorado County Office of Education), Sutter County Children & Families Commission, First 5 Yuba, and First 5 Colusa.


Quality Child Care Statement 

Child Care Planning Council of Yuba and Sutter Counties 

Quality child care is provided by consistent, nurturing educators who create environments in which each child and family experiences acceptance and respect.

Education Education Age appropriate activities and curriculum are purposeful, playful, and challenging Learning opportunities promote the child’s success in school Professional workforce trained in early childhood education Relationships Relationships Recognition and respect of the qualities, abilities, and potential of each child Positive relationships with all children and families Open communication and cooperation between home and the early childhood program Environment Environment A safe, healthy, and nurturing environment Supports the health of children through balanced nutrition and physical activities Stimulating environments which foster children’s development 


Age appropriate activities and curriculum are purposeful, playful, and challenging 

Learning opportunities promote the child’s success in school 

Professional workforce trained in early childhood education 


Recognition and respect of the qualities, abilities, and potential of each child 

Positive relationships with all children and families 

Open communication and cooperation between home and the early childhood program 


A safe, healthy, and nurturing environment 

Supports the health of children through balanced nutrition and physical activities 

Stimulating environments which foster children’s development