Before & After School Programs
Before & Afterschool Options
Marysville Joint Unified School District
Before and afterschool services vary by sight for elementary and middle school students. Typically, before school care runs from 7:30-8:30am with afterschool programs provided from 2:30-6:00pm. Registration for the next school year occurs in May. Contact the district or your local school for more information.
Yuba City Unified School District
Before and afterschool services vary by sight for elementary and middle school students. Contact the district or your local school for more information.
Children's Home Society of California
Children's Home Society of CA provides financial support for eligible families with children 0-12 years of age to utilize child care centers and family child care home providers.
Daycare Centers
Yuba County:
Fusion Early Learning-School Age
Kids Country Careland - (530) 633-9369
Sunshine Garden Playskool - (530) 749-9268
Sutter County: